Hazelwood Garden Planting Come help Grounded and residents of the Hazelwood community finish the green stormwater infrastructure implementation on Chatsworth Ave! This day will primarily focus on planting and mulching. Read More
Flowers Avenue GSI Planting Come help Grounded and residents of the Hazelwood community finish the green stormwater infrastructure implementation in Hazelwood. This day will focus on planting, mulching and adding protective fencing around small shrubs. Come help us make a difference in the lives of our neighbors!Read More
Permaculture Design: Ecological Solutions to Planetary Problems Posted on July 22, 2019 by Masoud Sayles For the purposes of sorting out the issues our world currently faces and quelling the fires which threaten to consume us there is one system of ethics that seems particularly well suited. This system, developed from the synthesis of indigenous wisdom about Earth systems and modern best practices in the management of human populations is called Permaculture. Coined by Bill Mollison, the term permaculture is a combination of the words permanent and agriculture (or culture). However, it is an approach…Read More
Following a rain drop at Park Hill Drive Posted on August 21, 2018 by Masoud Sayles Grounded continues its Green Stormwater Infrastructure work in the Park Hill Drive community in East Hills. Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) design and implementation are just one of the services we offer here at Grounded Strategies. As we plan each such project, we consider the fate of rainwater as it encounters the built environment. Let's follow a raindrop through one of our GSI facilities in the Park Hill Drive community! The first thing that a raindrop is likely to encounter in…Read More
Welcome GSI Community Liaisons Posted on November 18, 2016 by wpengine How can the Pittsburgh region maximize community benefit associated with Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) investments? We just launched the GTECH GSI project in the Woods Run (O-27) sewershed which seeks to apply a methodology to do just this - engage residents in shaping land use decisions related to upcoming stormwater infrastructure investments, so that community benefit can be maximized. Our Foundation: Work Closely with the Community As part of this project, we're delighted to have the opportunity to work with 4 residents from the…Read More