Community-Driven Design in the Hilltop Posted on February 26, 2014 by Grounded Strategies The first step in reducing blight in the Hilltop is seeking ideas from the citizens that live there. On Thursday evening, Hilltop residents, Grow Pittsburgh, Penn State Cooperative Extension, Mt. Oliver City/St. Clair Block Watch, Chatham University’s Urban Design Lab, ReClaim South Ambassadors, the Hilltop Alliance, and many others convened at the Lighthouse Cathedral in the Hilltop to explore ideas for re-purposing the 115 vacant acres of the former St. Clair Village site. GTECH has been part of the steering committee for…Read More
Public Opinion: GTECH’s response to a Pittsburgh Land Bank Posted on February 21, 2014 by Grounded Strategies In January of this past year, Councilwoman Deb Gross from District 7 introduced City Council Bill #2014-0025, a Pittsburgh Land Bank ordinance, to the Pittsburgh City Council. According to the Smart Growth America, land banks "are public authorities created to acquire, hold, manage and develop vacant properties. Land banks aim to convert vacant properties that have been neglected by the open market into productive use, thereby transforming neighborhood liabilities into assets." Currently the bill is in its public comment phase, which…Read More
Brews and Biofuels at this Month’s Green Drinks Pittsburgh Posted on February 17, 2014 by Grounded Strategies Brews + Biofuels = Green Drinks Pittsburgh Join us this Thursday at Gus's Cafe in Lawrenceville. The ReFuel team, along with Greenlight Biofuels will be talking about how turning used cooking oil into fuel can be a way to build community and create green jobs. Register for the FREE event below.Read More
Volunteers in Action Posted on February 17, 2014 by Grounded Strategies GTECH held its first volunteer day of the season this past weekend, hosting about 60 student volunteers from Students Today Leaders Forever. For this group of high school students, GTECH was just one stop on the organization’s “Pay it Forward” tour this February, a five-day servant leadership trip during which young adults in middle school, high school and college volunteer during the morning and participate in leadership activities during the day. We are thankful that these young leaders lent so…Read More
GTECH Staff love their communities Posted on February 12, 2014 by Grounded Strategies Love is in the air and on your block. This Valentine's Day week, we are asking everyone to share some loving' for their 'hood. Here is some GTECH Staff some photos from the staff on what they swoon over in their stomping grounds. Want to share you're own? [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last] Sara Innamorato Neighborhood: Lawrenceville "I love that is live in walking distance of delicious croissants" [/one_half_last] [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last] Travis Mecum Neighborhood: Larimer "I really like this bench in the Larimer Green Team…Read More
3 Things the Super Bowl Teaches Us About Being Green. Posted on February 3, 2014 by Grounded Strategies By now you're back in the office, the chili bowls are empty and the Seahawks have been crowned Super Bowl champs. Besides discovering that Seattle has one heck of a defense, we can glean a few lessons from last night's gridiron matchup: Host more get togethers. According to Opower's 2012 analysis of residential energy usage, consumption dropped up to 5 percent below average during the Super Bowl. Why? More eyes on fewer televisions. Don't wait until the next major…Read More
Start a Love Affair with your Community. Posted on January 28, 2014 by Grounded Strategies This Valentine's Day why not fall in love with your community? At GTECH, we believe that environmental, economic and social problems degrade the health of our communities and create barriers to progress. The only way to conquer these issues is to speak up for the future of your neighborhood. That's why we want you to show and spread the love you have for your community. Share photos that inspire others with the best of what your neighborhood has to offer. It's…Read More
Favorite Moments 2013 Posted on January 27, 2014 by Grounded Strategies Our office closed for the holiday break, giving us an opportunity to spend time with friends and family. Just as quickly as you could say, “Happy 2014,” the past few weeks flew by. We took a moment to reflect on the year — five themes emerged as staff shared favorite memories. 1. Sharing the community-development limelight "So many wonderful moments, memories, and events from 2013. One that certainly tops the list is the opportunity to share the stage at Green…Read More
Grease for Good Posted on December 17, 2013 by Grounded Strategies Pittsburgh Oil Recycling Gets a Makeover. GTECH Strategies and Greenlight Biofuels partner to boost ReFuel Pgh ReFuel Pgh, a program run by Growth Through Energy and Community Health (GTECH) Strategies, up with Greenlight Biofuels for the collection and recycling of waste cooking oil to support sustainable community development activities in Pittsburgh. 100% of the volume of oil collected is processed in Pennsylvania for biodiesel, which has approximately 80% less CO2 emissions than petroleum diesel. Any facility that produces waste cooking…Read More
Talent City – Giving Power Away Posted on December 16, 2013 by Grounded Strategies By Andrew Butcher Recently I was invited to serve as a Screening Committee member for the Talent City Initiative. For folks who don't know about it - Talent City is produced by The Pittsburgh Foundation and The University of Pittsburgh's Institute of Politics designed to bring objectivity, transparency, and rigorous hiring practices to build the best available Senior Leadership to lead the City of Pittsburgh. The driving intention here is to elevate the standard and performance of Pittsburgh's city government through…Read More
Meet Noah: Special Projects Intern Posted on December 6, 2013 by Grounded Strategies Noah, a current student at Dartmouth University, is visiting family here is Pittsburgh. He decided to spend part of his holiday break interning with us, so we decided to ask him some questions about what he is working on. [one_half] [one_half] [one_half_last] Noah Rickerich year: Sophmore school: Dartmouth major: Economics and Philosophy [/one_half_last] GTECH: Where are you from originally? NOAH: I've lived in York, Maine my whole life G: So why are you here in Pittsburgh and interning with GTECH…Read More
The Bruner Loeb Forum: My Takeways Posted on November 20, 2013 by Grounded Strategies Recently, GTECH was invited to attend the Bruner Loeb Forum in Detroit for two days of discussion on vacancy and the associated issues currently being addressed in our nation's legacy cities. Designers, government officials, forward thinkers, funders and nonprofit leaders participated in a series of neighborhood tours, panel discussions, facilitated small group sessions and presentations. As the Director of ReClaim, I was interested in unearthing some lessons that other cities can teach Pittsburgh when it comes to issues of vacant…Read More