Resilience Generation (ReGen) Resources

Resilient communities are comprised of both strong social networks and accessible resources enabling residents to address both chronic and acute shocks that may affect their health and well-being. For this reason, Grounded Strategies continues to build resources to aid communities in improving community health. Our entry point into vulnerable communities remains primarily vacant land but includes other land use issues and need for capacity building with partners. 

Beginning in Fall 2016 through June 2019, Grounded will offer a range of custom interventions in partnership with 24 organizations working toward improving community health through our people and places approach. Grounded will provide technical assistance and direct financial support through, targeted land use interventions, strategic data collection, community capacity building and ongoing partner collaboration in the effort to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities.

Community awards will range from $5 – 30k of direct and indirect resources. Direct support may include stipends, mobile technology, hardscape and software materials, and educational opportunities. Indirect support will include matched staff time, data collection and analysis, design support, education and training, inclusive and facilitated community planning, and project implementation.

Communities will be selected through a range of criteria in terms of existing capacity, alignment with broader community plans, alignment with priority partner geographic and issue areas, the ability to leverage efforts, among other to be determined criteria.

At this time, all ReGen partners have been identified. However, we are always looking for ways that our services can benefit more community groups and understand what the need is on the ground. Fill out this brief form to let us know where assistance is needed and we’ll do our best to help you identify next steps.

ReGen Project Map

Take a look to see where Grounded has been partnering with neighborhood organizations throughout Allegheny County. Interested applicants, please note: ReGen prioritizes providing resources to 24 unique communities. We will accept applications from neighborhoods with an existing ReGen project but the possible selection will be subject to that round of applications. Feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you have questions about qualifying for ReGen technical assistance.