Wethoptober Fest: a Success!

Beers, Bites and a Better 'Burgh. Thank you to everyone who came out to Wet Hoptober Fest this past October 3rd! Not only did we get to drink some great wet-hopped beers from East End Brewing and ate locally purveyed food from Marty's Market's Cafe, but also made new friends, learned about growing hops and interacted with this Garfield farms-based project. Together we raised over $500 for next year's urban hop farm. Also a shout out to Porter Loves Photography…

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Pittsburgh Environmental & Health Conference

Pittsburgh Environmental & Health Conference: Encouraging the Fight for Community Health in the 'Burgh Last Friday, October 25 - 300 Pittsburghers came to hear national and local environmental leaders lecture on topics ranging from reducing waste to building healthy communities. Naturally it felt like something GTECH should be involved in.  Three of our staff members: Michelle McDonald, Travis Mecum and Zaheen Hussain got to take a day out of the office and experience the event. Who was your favorite speaker?…

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Community Sunflower Harvest in Homewood

This past Saturday beneath the shadow of an old warehouse that advertises, "We Buy Aluminum & Cans, Copper, Brass" old and new converged as all 11,000 square feet of Pittsburgh's largest sunflower garden in a community were harvested by over 150 volunteers in the Homewood on Frankstown Avenue and Collier Street. The volunteer group was made up of individuals from Operation Better Block  (OBB), The University of Pittsburgh's Jumpstart program, which is a national early childhood literacy program that trains and…

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Put Your Running Shoes on for Clean Air GTECH will be participating in Group Against Smog and Pollution’s Athletes United for Healthy Air campaign inaugural Clean Air Dash and Festival, brought to Pittsburgh with the support of the Breathe Project. We are looking for runners (or walkers) who are interested in supporting cleaner air and running with GTECH. If you are interested in being part of our team email Dan, [email protected]. This 5K race event will be held October 19…

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Appreciating Ambassadors

Energy Ambassadors in Action. What hardworking individuals in our Ambassador program mean to their communities. Added Value ReEnergize Pgh ambassadors have been engaging communities and strengthening relationships with their neighbors and community based organizations. One noteworthy relationship exists between Homewood Ambassador, Rhonda Sears, and her ReEnergize community-based organization (CBO) partner Operation Better Block (OBB). To better understand the dynamic duo, we sat down with OBB program coordinator, Jose Diaz, to discuss his experience working with ReEnergize Pgh and Sears. Building…

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Wet Hoptober Fest: Tonight!

Last spring we set out to grow hops on an unused portion of Garfield Community Farm to see if it could be a creative (and delicious) way to reuse some of the 4,500 acres of vacant land in the city. With the help of Noah of the Hop Project and the fine farmers of Garfield Farm, we set out to grow three varieties of hops for East End Brewery and - guess what - it worked! We are inviting you…

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