Jessica Petho ReEnergize Pittsburgh Ambassador “I applied to be a ReEnergize Ambassador because I wanted to help my community and the earth." About Me. I am a lifelong Hazelwood resident. I am who I am today because of my family and couldn't imagine being any different, because I love who I am. In addition to my human family, I also have two fur children. I enjoy the great outdoors whether it's my backyard, a forest or a garden under glass. I am…Read More
Leslie Boone ReEnergize Pittsburgh Ambassador “I believe in participating in the full health of our neighborhood- spiritually, physically, economically, psychologically and environmentally." About Me. I was born in Homewood, although I have lived in Hazelwood for many years. I am a renaissance woman. I seek knowledge, whether it is learning a new language or a new instrument, or perfecting a new software program and then teaching it to someone. Day to day, you will find me leading bible study, photo journaling, prayer walking,…Read More
George Thomas ReEnergize Pittsburgh Ambassador “ I want to be able to do outreach in my community. " About Me. My name is George Thomas, and I am lifelong Hazelwood resident. I'm a United States Army veteran, a graphic designer and a father of four. I am a graduate of AIP & Perry TA. I am very involved in my community, especially with Hazelwood Initiative, the Morningstar Baptist Church and the Greater Hazelwood Community Collaborative. I also spend way too much time watching CNN!…Read More