George Thomas ReEnergize Pittsburgh Ambassador “ I want to be able to do outreach in my community. “ About Me. My name is George Thomas, and I am lifelong Hazelwood resident. I’m a United States Army veteran, a graphic designer and a father of four. I am a graduate of AIP & Perry TA. I am very involved in my community, especially with Hazelwood Initiative, the Morningstar Baptist Church and the Greater Hazelwood Community Collaborative. I also spend way too much time watching CNN! Why do you think it is important to help your neighbors save energy? I want to increase comfort in everyone’s home and to help my neighbors save money. Why did you apply to be a ReEnergize Ambassador? I was looking to be able to help my community save energy. What does community mean to you? Personally, community means looking out after and caring about each other. Hazelwood residents care about Hazelwood.