15 Reasons to Donate to GTECH’s $15k for $15k in 2015

GTECH just launched our 2015 year-end donation campaign, which is particularly special this year because we have the opportunity for $15,000 of donations to be matched. That’s right: $15k matched for $15k in 2015! To put it in perspective, $15k could help support 15 more Ambassadors lead the way towards healthier, more vibrant communities. Fifteen more energetic leaders means 15 more hubs of creativity, passion and innovation that will connect to and inspire hundreds more.

If you’re still searching for a reason to donate to GTECH this year here are 15 reasons in honor of our 15k match for 2015:

1. Donating will improve your sense of well-being 

According to PBS, the act of giving is often more beneficial to the giver than the receiver. “When we are generous, we perceive others with more compassion; we also feel a greater community with others. It makes us recognize our own good fortune, boosts our self-image, and allows us to use our strengths in a helpful way (including financial strengths).”

The Dalai Lama even says so, “The interest of the common and the interest of the individual are very much linked. By taking care of others’ interests, you’re taking care of yourself.”

2. You love a great deal  

What better deal is there than donating $100.00 and GTECH receiving $200.00? Thanks to the unique opportunity to have all donations to GTECH matched up to $15k until December 31st, we can really double the value of your dollar! Even better: let’s try to triple your contribution. Many employers will match your charitable donations, so be sure to check if your employer has a matching program.

3. Generosity is contagious

By sharing with your friends and family you donated to GTECH you could become the catalyst to the ripple effect of generosity in your network. Use tools such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email to spread the message of generosity. 

4. A donation to GTECH is a great holiday gift 

If you’re stumped on what to get your friends and family for the holidays, give a donation in their honor. Encourage them to stay connected with GTECH to see how their gift evolves from ideas to tangible community spaces.  

5. Tradition 

Start or carry-on a tradition of giving to a cause greater than yourself– donate to GTECH as a family, a block group or a business and reflect upon the true meaning of this holiday season together.

6. Pittsburgh is greater than the sum of its parts

As our CEO and Co-Founder Andrew says, “Action can bring us together, help us through difficult times and sow the seeds of hope. We believe that small actions can spur a chain reaction of bigger and bolder actions.” Imagine the monumental improvements we could make to increase the health of our communities; if we all donated a dollar, our power as a united force is limitless.

7. Be part of a legacy 

By donating to GTECH, you leave a legacy for future generations to grow up in healthier community through projects like Green Playces, or by recording the unique assets of neighborhoods as the Northside AIM project did, or to consciously transition one legacy to another legacy as GTECH is doing with the St. John’s site.

8. Strengthen communities

Support Ambassadors to take action based on their expansive knowledge of their own communities’ needs. Support community-based organizations to make informed strategic plans through low cost data collection services like Pittsburgh LocalData Collaborative.

9. Be part of a community

Through donating to GTECH you will join a community of changemakers. GTECH believes in the strength of a social network– from our on-the-ground volunteers spreading mulch and building playscapes to the Social Capital Council, a cadre of energetic and socially-conscious professionals who actively support and promote GTECH. By joining the GTECH community we will gain strength through our combined passion and generosity.      

10. Donations are tax deductible

When you donate to a non-profit like GTECH the amount you donate is tax deductible. Everybody wins!

11. Change lives both locally and globally

Programs at GTECH both affect the hyper-local (like improving the quality of life on a block in Knoxville) and global (like reducing carbon emissions through energy efficiency programs like Healthy Homes Initiative Program).

12. Give because every bit helps

Here at GTECH we believe all big breakthroughs start with little bets and little contributions. Every little bit you can contribute will be instrumental in getting us to the big breakthroughs.

13. Take down injustice and disinvestment

By donating to GTECH you are investing in programs that promote social equity and investment in historically disenfranchised areas of the Pittsburgh region.

14. Help GTECH continue to innovate for the betterment of our region

Programs like Lots to Love give power to residents and community-based organizations to be visionaries in their communities to change a liability like a vacant lot into an asset.

15. Change someone’s life for the better

The list of lives changed by GTECH’s Ambassadors and other programs is endless: from an elementary student that finds inner peace in a hectic world at the outdoor learning area of a Green Playce to the mutual strength of a community that emerges through having a community space to gather.  

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