A Place for Moms: Welcome Corner

Cynthia Levy-Mendoza lives right on the north edge of Pittsburgh in the neighborhood of Observatory Hill. For many years, a corner lot on her street has been an eyesore for those waiting at the bus stop and passersby getting their first glimpse of Pittsburgh as they drive through.

Cynthia, however, has a new plan for the lot. She calls it “A Place for Moms: Welcome Corner”. She is the founder of an organization, Brown Mamas, which assists African-American mothers in enjoying their motherhood journey by providing information, tools and social support. Cynthia has worked alongside the Brown Mamas and her family to create a welcoming corner lot with benches for those waiting for the bus, a Little Free Library, beautiful flower gardens, and a trailhead for an adjacent trail through the forest.


There is no such thing as a bad neighborhood. There are just people with information and people without information. The people with information tend to take a little more pride in their community than the people without information.

Cynthia Levy-MendozaReClaim Northside Ambassador, Observatory Hill