Krysty’s Goodbye Posted on April 1, 2020 by shequaya Bailey Share this post Though my time with Grounded has unfortunately been cut short due to COVID-19, I will be forever grateful for this irreplaceable experience. Social work is a demanding field. It can often feel like an endless run on a treadmill, unsure whether to step off or to keep going in pursuit of that slight chance that you reach the carrot at the end of the stick. That carrot, in the context of social work, is the knowledge that someone’s circumstances have improved in some meaningful way as a result of your efforts. When I first arrived at Grounded, I was bewildered by the genuinely enthusiastic manner with which its members carried out their responsibilities. If I’m being honest, at first I was unsure how to respond to such optimism and earnest passion. My prior experiences had been as a direct-care worker on the frontlines of mental health in locked-door residential facilities, where the majority of my colleagues (and, admittedly, myself at times) had become disillusioned—jaded, even. Having the opportunity to work with a team that is as dedicated and compassionate as Grounded’s, has given me the inspiration to contribute as much as I can to community development and environmental policy. I have learned an incredible amount at Grounded, as I was previously unaware of the impact that land has on our daily lives. I now understand that land is the bedrock for all social and economic activity, it is our history and it plays a large role in determining our future. Moreover, I have gained a clearer picture of community development processes and the power of people when they come together. I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet and work with the wonderful stewards of CommunityCare who contribute so much to their communities. I am excited to learn what the future will bring–both for Grounded and for the communities that they serve!