Jump start your Spring with Land Lab! Posted on March 23, 2018 by Masoud Sayles Share this post Following up on our work in Larimer during the previous year, Land Lab was back just in time for the 2018 growing season. Reinforcing our commitment to reinvigorating vacant lots throughout the city, Grounded hosted “Blight Doctors” for 1-on-1 discussions on vacant land issues, in addition to offering participant selected content geared toward educating attendees on a variety of solutions to vacant land issues. Our list of modules included: Sustainable Planning 101: Designing Within a Realistic Scope – Content focused on creatively sourcing materials in building your strategy to fight blight. Ecology 101: Finding Your Niche – An overview of ecology in the context of vacant lots, including lots of inspiration about what plants can help you efficiently utilize your space. Ecology 102: Plant Basics – A more in-depth view on ecology, focusing on the role of plants in the environment as both companions and as design elements. By the Numbers: Who You Gonna Call? – An entire session dedicated toward discussion of resources, people, and organizations that can help you find solutions to your vacant lot challenges. Environmental Justice 101: Generating Positive Change Through Community Engagement – A session detailing the history of the environmental justice movement, and offering advice for those seeking ways to actively and meaningfully influence their communities. Community engagement is the main focus of Land Lab, so immediately after our second educational session, we went outside to do a cleanup and renovation of nearby lots and streets.