Introducing Land Lab! Posted on October 27, 2017 by wpengine Share this post Spinning off from the successful city-wide Blight Bootcamp Conferences of the last two years in partnership with the Blight Working Group, GTECH is launching a series of Land Labs that will target the specific vacant land issues of a particular neighborhood. The first of the series will be hosted in Larimer! The first Land Lab is taking place on Saturday, November 4, in Larimer at St. James AME Church. The neighborhood is seeing significant development but is still dealing with high numbers of vacant lots in various states of overgrowth as well as illegal dumping and sidewalks in disrepair. Any resident or community organization in the city or county that faces the issues of vacant lot blight is invited to attend. The Land Lab is designed to offer residents the opportunity to get involved in their neighborhood’s efforts to help manage the negative aspects of vacant lots, while sharing strategies and resources for improvement. Register for Land Lab - Larimer The mini-conference distills the most valuable knowledge shared at the earlier Bootcamps, while tackling a few of the particular challenges of the host neighborhood. Talking points include – Who you gonna call? A whole session dedicated to resources, people, and organizations who can help with your communities needs. We will help you get a direct link to those who have the answers to your questions. Don’t Do it Alone! Learn from seasoned volunteer coordinators who have tried and true methods for engaging new and existing volunteers. You should never have to tackle a project alone, so let us help you get the support you need from the start. Finding the Funding. This session will tell you all about the local funding opportunities that can help take your project to the next level. Fundraising and management is a daunting task, so let us help connect you to those who do it every day! Any of this sound interesting to you!? Visit our project page HERE for more details and to register. If you can’t make it to this Land Lab, don’t worry! We have 3 more in the works for 2018, so stay tuned by joining our newsletter HERE. If you would like your community to host the next 2018 Land Lab, please contact Rebecca Mizikar at 412 361 2099 Ext. 2# or [email protected]