4 Ways to Get Your Hands Dirty for Earth Day Posted on April 8, 2015 by Grounded Strategies Share this post Earth Day is on Wednesday, April 22, which means there will be plenty of festivities happening around the City of Pittsburgh to celebrate all things green. Although we love a good party, we also think it’s important to remember that you can have a big impact with a small gesture, like volunteering for an organization’s clean up day . Here are a few suggestions of great, green organizations that need your help cleaning, greening and beautifying Pittsburgh for Earth Day: 1. Clean up day with Pittsburgh Park Conservancy & Nine Mile Run Watershed Association at Frick Park April 18, 9AM-12:30PM Wear long pants and closed-toed shoes Register Here >> or contact Sarah: sarap[a]ninemilerun.org or 412-371-8779 x.123 2. Earth Day @ South 4th Street with Allegheny Cleanways & Friends of the Riverfront Sign up to help clean and beautify a trail along South 4th Street. April 22, 9AM -12PM Wear long pants and closed-toed shoes Register Here >> 3. Arbor Day Tree Planting with Tree Pittsburgh Celebrate Arbor Day with Tree Pittsburgh as they plant 100 new trees in West Penn Park. April 24, 9AM – 12PM Register Here >> 4. Earth Day on the Avenues with GTECH (that’s us!) Help us clean up 8th Avenue in Homestead. Activities will include planting, weeding, mulching and general spring-cleaning activities in spaces like the Frick Park located in Homestead and the Amity Harvest Community Garden. April 25, 9AM – 12PM Register Here >> Also, we can’t resist a good celebration, so join us afterwards as we host a pop-up party on a vacant lot in Homestead. How will you be celebrating Earth Day 2015 in Pittsburgh? Tell us below.