On Air with McKeesport-based Tube City Online

James Snow, GTECH project manager, and A.J. Tedesco, Director of Community Development for McKeesport, spoke on-air with Jason Togyer of Tube City Online’s new program, “Two Rivers, 30 Minutes” about our upcoming launch of the ReClaim McKeesport Ambassador Program.

This is the first GTECH program focused on vacant land outside the City of Pittsburgh, illustrating that this is an issue in other parts of Allegheny County.

James talked about how GTECH uses vacant lots to bring a community together. The ultimate goal of these projects is to inspire resident-driven change and development in the future:

“ The ultimate goal of these projects is to get the community thinking about what else can be on these lots and [in ways that] future development can come in and make these lots better [with residents’ input].” – James Snow

A.J., a longtime McKeesport resident, spoke about why he wanted his community to be selected for the ReClaim Ambassador model.

“It’s good for the morale of the neighborhood. To add on to that, what GTECH is going to do in is come in and beautify lots [with the help of residents]…when people feel good about their neighborhood they are going to take care of their properties” – A.J. Tedesco

Want to hear more? Enjoy the full podcast below.

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