PSU Pittsburgh Northside Charette

As an extension of the One Northside AIM project, Penn State landscape architecture students are now developing designs for areas in California-Kirkbride, Manchester and East Deutschtown as well as ways to connect the 18 neighborhoods of the Northside. Community input is a key part of this process, so we hope that you can join them at this event! Please meet at the New Hazlett Theater on 10/1/2015 from 6 pm - 8 pm. Light refreshments will be served.

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Inspire Speakers Series Presents: Will Allen, Stephen Ritz, and Jennifer Flanagan

Food=Community. By investing in healthy, fresh and local food, we can, Create Jobs, Improve Public Health, Connect Communities, Teach Useful Skills & Reduce Food Waste. Food connects all of us and is central to some of our region’s most pressing issues. Join us to learn how an urban farmer, a social entrepreneur, and a teacher are using food as a key to creating more livable places for all. [bctt tweet="Join me for the next #InspireSpeakerSeries w/ @GreenBXMachine, @CKichtenPGH & @GrowingPower-"]

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