ReEnergize Pgh Finds a New Home

ReEnergize Pgh finds a new home with Conservation Consultants, Inc.

Energy Efficiency Educational Tools.

In the fall of 2012, GTECH along with partnerships from local foundations (such as The Heinz Endowments and The Pittsburgh Foundation), the Allegheny County Executive’s Office, national nonprofit Green For All, as well as dozens of other local agencies representing the spectrum of energy efficiency, launched ReEnergize Pgh. The goal of the cohort is to reduce home energy waste, increase demand for services and establish new standards for linking and aligning existing services.

Since the launch, GTECH has convened a Coalition of more than 60 energy efficiency stakeholders, hosted 28 Ambassadors from 17 different communities and helped educate more than 10,000 residents on how to save energy in the place they call home. Through a range of interventions nearly 600 lbs. of CO2 emissions have been reduced or offset over the span of the program.

Now it is time for GTECH to double down on the promise of collaboration and collective impact to tackle large and dispersed issues.  Through our recent strategic planning process, we’ve engaged Coalition member and long-time partner Conservation Consultants, Inc. to take ownership of the ReEnergize Pgh program starting in July 2015. As a leader in the residential energy efficiency sector for more than 35 years and strong new leadership, CCI is poised to advance a regional agenda to increase home energy performance.

As of July 2015, ReEnergize Pgh is transferring from GTECH Strategies to Conservation Consultants, Inc. (CCI).

Significant wasted energy, lamentable air quality and untapped opportunity throughout the region highlight the need for maximizing the capacity and resources of all organizations working to address these problems.  We believe that this is only the beginning this is an important step in achieving the program’s and our fullest potential.

What does this mean for GTECH?

  • GTECH is focusing on transitioning land use liabilities into community assets
  • We will still be an active partner in the ReEnergize Coalition
  • ReEnergize Ambassadors will continue to serve a critical role in connecting their communities to a regional green economy

Here are a few reasons why we think CCI is the best place for the ReEnergize Pgh program:

  • CCI has a long-time mission of residential energy efficiency.  For over 35 years, CCI has worked to promote “responsible energy and resource use in homes and buildings”.
  • CCI creates strong partnerships with energy utilities and professionals.  CCI knows that its impact is only as strong as the partnerships it builds. Since its inception the organization has focused on building bridges with regional utilities to
  • CCI serves the community.  CCI runs energy conservation education classes for schools and communities. Each year they distribute over 1,000 energy saving kits per year to communities.

Visit for more information.

One thought on “ReEnergize Pgh Finds a New Home

  1. So happy for you!! I love how the Lord works everything out! This encourages me that I just need to continue to trust that He will work everything out for us too. My husband was asked to resign from his job last week, which is especially stressful with a baby on the way. I have peace that the Lord will work everything out, but my heart is broken over the whole situation.

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