Grow Bags for Groups – Coming Soon!

Grounded@Home Grow Bags are a great way for groups to grow together, even in these uncertain times.

There are 3 group packages to choose from:

Grounded@Home Family Style Package ($325)

Grounded@Home Book Club Package ($600 or $60/person)

Grounded@Home Youth Edition Package ($2,500)

For every grow bag purchased, Grounded will distribute another to one of our program partners located in food-insecure and/or environmental justice communities in the Pittsburgh region. 

Why Your Support Matters 

Equity in access to nature = community health

Many residents across our county don’t have access to livable, well maintained green space. Being in and around nature reduces stress, relieves anxiety, improves educational achievement, and boosts earning potential.

Unfortunately, low income and/or communities of color have the least access to high-quality open spaces. This is an environmental justice emergency.


With your support, we can change this reality. With your help Grounded can:

  • Equip and invest in the folks already stepping up to beautify their neighborhoods
  • Transform distressed vacant lots into vibrant community spaces
  • Push forward policy initiatives that increase equitable access to high-quality public spaces
  • Work with youth partners to incorporate kids into the beautification of their communities
  • Support local businesses and the efforts of our City Government to turn the issue of vacancy into an opportunity

Grounded@Home Group Packages

Have questions about our packages? Need to customize? Email us at [email protected]!

Grounded@Home Family Style Package ($325)

    • 4 Grow Bags
    • 4 Grounded T-Shirts
    • 4 Signature Grounded “G” Jars
    • Grounded Strategies E-Newsletter Subscription
    • 4 Grow Bags donated to residents located in food-insecure and/or environmental justice communities in the Pittsburgh region

Grounded@Home Book Club Package ($600 or $60/person)

    • 10 Grow Bags
    • Grounded’s Top 12 Reading List
    • 10 Signature Grounded Totes
    • 10 Grow Bags donated to residents located in food-insecure and/or environmental justice communities in the Pittsburgh region

Grounded@Home Youth Edition Package ($2,500)

    • 30 Grow Bags
    • 12-week, hands-on environmental justice curriculum
    • Art and interactive activity supplies
    • Ongoing educator support
    • 30 Grow Bags donated to youth located in food-insecure and/or environmental justice communities in the Pittsburgh region