Home : Our Work : Grounded GSI: A-42 : Grounded GSI A-42 Winchester Thurston Grounded GSI A-42 Winchester Thurston Share this project In 2017, Grounded was engaged to work with Winchester Thurston’s Environmental Biology Class to incorporate the students into our Green Stormwater Infrastructure Project. Grounded met in-class with the students approximately once a week to engage in an interactive learning process around stormwater issues in Pittsburgh, green solutions, and the environmental justice context of it all. To put their learning into action and demonstrate learned concepts, students designed and built a model home with a working green that has been placed at a Grounded GSI site in Homewood. The feature is a fun addition to the landscape and demonstrates to those passing by the lesson of good stormwater management. During nearly 30 sessions at Winchester Thurston, Grounded staff engaged the students with: Urban Research and Design: design best practices Environmental Chemistry: soil sampling and percolation tests; and Politics and Policy: understanding regional water challenges and implications of the EPA consent decree.