Nicole Flaherty

ReClaim Northside Ambassador

“I wanted to contribute to my neighborhood in a positive way. If I could make something beautiful and/or functional for my neighborhood, that would be wonderful.”

About Me.

I am the Graphics Manager at a local vitamin company during the day and a full-time mother and wife in the evenings. I also do occasional photography work on the side and love pictures, both old and new. I have a beautiful 15-month daughter named Ella Dai and a great husband named Mike. We also have two cats named Layla and Thunder Kat. I love to run. So much so, that I take my daughter in a running stroller when I can and taked my husband into running with me during the evenings. As a family, we also have been expanding our flower and vegetable garden beds and are taking composting classes.  My family and I love to travel and try to do that as much our schedule allows. Together we also explore new neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and try to find something new to learn or experience.

What hopes do you have for your community in the near future?

I hope it continues to grow– in community events, population, new and rehabilitated homes and community gardens. It would be wonderful to see some more local businesses and restaurants also make a home in our community, because they see the potential for growth and economic stability.


→Learn about Nicole’s vacant lot project by clicking here.