Gordon Hodnett ReClaim South Ambassador, 2014 For nearly 50 years, Gordon has lived in Beltzhoover, and he can vividly recount how the community used to be a thriving, active place. Today, there are less people and more vacancy and his favorite spot is his back porch and enjoys walking around McKinley Park. Through the program he wants to grow green things to beautify his block. Click here to learn more about his project, The Garden on Gearing. ReClaim South Sustaining Momentum Ambassador, 2016 Gordon most enjoys his neighborhood of Beltzhoover because of McKinley Park and the community gardens. Beyond running his community food plot for several years and being a ReClaim South Ambassador, Gordon is a member of the Beltzhoover Neighborhood Council. Gordon’s garden is always evolving, he recently incorporated perennial fruit bearing shrubs and trees into his garden. He has a lot planned for his garden and cannot wait to share his experience and knowledge with the new ReClaim South Ambassadors.