Dr. Shondricka Burrell

Dr. Burrell is an Earth science/geoscience educator and education researcher. Dr. Burrell earned advanced degrees in geology and a PhD in Science Education at Temple University.

Dr. Burrell is a socio-cognitive and socio-cultural researcher applying both quantitative and qualitative analytical methods to the study of science teaching and learning. Her research focus includes: the design and implementation of transformative learning experiences, science interest development, self-eFicacy, Earth science and geoscience education, environmental justice, and science for social justice. Specifically, she is interested in how local cases of environmental injustice can be used to teach both science content and scientific practices towards environmental equity in secondary science classrooms.

Dr. Burrell was particularly drawn to Grounded because of its emphasis on community collaboration, sustainability, and justice-oriented strategies. She joined Grounded’s board to support the organization’s community partnered work in environmental health and education.