Darnell Moses

Pronouns: he/him/his
Darnell is the Vice President of Development Finance at The Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) where he is responsible for administering all contracts for the department and fiscal compliance of those contracts. His expertise enhances the work in Research and Technical Assistance, including working on CDFA Publications; Government Affairs including participating in the Federal Financing Webinar; and Programming with a focus on Course Advising all areas; but specifically Tax Credit financing. Mr. Moses will play a role in Operations, Budgeting and Professional Development. Additionally, Mr. Moses will work in certain areas with the Board of Directors of CDFA.

Before this role, he was the Administrator of Contacts and Compliance at the Allegheny County Department of Health Services. He has also consulted on projects pertaining to economic and organizational development as well as spoken at conferences on these topics.

Darnell joined Grounded’s Board of Directors to share his expertise in board development and vacant property. He is inspired by Grounded’s ability to make transformative change in people’s lives by helping them improve their communities and wants to be part of the work we do. In his free time, Darnell likes to hang with his sons (as their third wheel) and golf (although he ruins the beautiful greens and fairways).